At IUIU the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) facilities are simply all electronic and mechanical tools that facilitate the storage, manipulation, analysis and transfer of information. As the ICT Directorate, we are thus committed to providing timely, effective, efficient and safe usage of ICT facilities by IUIU stakeholders (academic and administrative staff, students and visitors).
In that vein, IUIU will ensure that the ICT services and equipment at the institution are available and accessible when required and will endeavour to meet the contemporary national and international standards to the best of its capability, however the safe and correct usage of any ICT equipment remains the responsibility of everyone who identifies with IUIU, stakeholders or resident on the IUIU campuses.
The Directorate of ICT Services is committed to facilitating, nurturing and empowering students; and by extension those who guide and support them to use these facilities in a secure and productive environment and even go further in other specific cases to support initiatives to develop innovative ICT technologies that provide a more secure, efficient and effective solutions to match contemporary national and global challenges.
The Directorate also acknowledges that securing and protecting this information, equipment and infrastructure is not only important but vital by preventing access to it from those with malicious and harmful intent, so as to be able to further ensure that the right recipients continue to enjoy its ICT services. However, it should be noted that security is the responsibility of all and further recognize that is effectiveness is ultimately measured by our own individual participation.